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YAS Spring Clout Tournament

  • York Archers Society (map)

York Archers Society welcomes you all to join us for our annual Spring Clout Tournament - Tassel Award Status

It will be held at the Hopgrove playing fields, Malton Road, York, YO32 9TE

  • Sunday 14th April 2019

  • Sighters 10.30 am

  • Double one way GNAS clout round

  • Judge in charge: Mr Richard Ford

Entries cannot be accepted without the archers signature (parent or guardiansignature forjuniors) and a GNAS number (or a temporary GNAS card) Please note that you are signing to confirm that you are a current GNAS member and agree to abide by GNAS rules

Entry Form

Earlier Event: 24 February
York Yorkshire Combined